Testimonials on the “Leonardo 4 Children” initiative

Testimonials from personalities


“On the occasion of Leonardo 4 Children competition, I wish young composers to bravely face the challenge, recommending them to use the appropriate rigour and serious tireless study that can ensure the quality of their composition.”

Ennio Morricone

Music composer (2019)

I welcome the initiative Leonardo 4 Children and I am pleased that the European Parliament has decided to give its patronage to the workshop on climate action and gender equality planned on 1 October 2021. I encourage all children and young people to take part in the initiative and use art and science skills to provide their ideas in order to solve these fundamental issues and become responsible and empowered European leaders of the future.

David Sassoli

President, European Parliament (2021)

’The climate and biodiversity crises threaten the very foundation of life on Earth. At the heart of the Green Deal is therefore a promise to all children: ‘we politicians will take the difficult but incredibly necessary decisions now, so you still have a healthy, happy future on this planet’. But making a promise and making sure that promise is kept are two different things. To deliver on this promise and to ensure equality and peace for generations to come, we need children and young people across the world to keep pushing for action. That means calling politicians to account, but also showing yourself what kind of action is possible. Leonardo 4 Children is a great example of an initiative that enables children to make their own contribution, in doing so, motivates them to join the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.’’ (2022)

“Children and young Europeans are at the heart of the Green Deal. There would not be a Green Deal without the demand for action from young people all across Europe. Our fight against the climate and biodiversity crises is to ensure that our children and grandchildren can still live happy and healthy lives on this planet. And after they have shown incredible solidarity with older generations during the pandemic, it is time we repay that by showing solidarity with their future. This year’s winners of Leonardo4Children initiative have sent in beautiful and inspiring creations that provide plenty of ideas for what my generation can do for the climate and environment, and how we can do it in a way that supports gender equality.” (2021)

Frans Timmermans

Executive Vice President for the Green Deal, European Commission

There is not a more powerful force than education to advance social inclusion, to promote peace and sustainable development and to break the vicious circle of poverty. Culture is a wonderful means to bring children in need to education. The “Leonardo 4 Children” initiative, by engaging children in creative arts, invites us to meet the children who suffer from exclusion. We hope that will become the actors of their daily lives and future.

Stefania Giannini

Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO (2019)

In this global pandemic, children and young people are among those who are suffering the most, especially the weakest and those who had fewer opportunities beforehand. The educational, relational and emotional damages will be enormous and will require extra efforts to be compensated and recovered. Culture produces care, bridges, passion, good and beauty, in a personal and collective dimension. The Leonardo 4 Children initiative has the advantage of stimulating schools and people committed to the education of our children to generate from them creativity, vision and enthusiasm, to positively contaminate everyone in the #rEUnaissance of the 21st century.

Luca Jahier

former President, European Economic and Social Committee (2018-2020)

I identify very closely with this charity. As a former teacher, from a young democracy, youth, education, the basic values of democracy, equality, and peace are values that are particularly close to my heart. And I strongly believe that it is our moral duty not only to look after the planet for today’s children, but also to teach today’s children about the importance of caring for their planet for the future generations.
I am very proud to support an organisation that not only encourages the raising of funds to help children in need, but also encourages their participation in arts and music. Arts and music help to develop independent and individual thinking and expression, that are so important not only for a civilisation to evolve but to provide psychological solace. 
The Leonardo 4 Children 2023 concert and award ceremony should be an occasion to cherish children and let the art speak.
Brussels, 23 October 2023

Ilze Juhansone

Secretary General, European Commission

Con la presente ci tengo a ringraziarLa per aver preso parte all’evento organizzato da questa Ambasciata in occasione della Settimana della Lingua italiana e dedicato agli insegnanti di Lingua italiana operativi qui in Belgio. Grazie alla Sua presenza siamo riusciti a trasmettere un forte messaggio di sensibilizzazione, sui temi della sostenibilità, dell’uguaglianza e della valorizzazione dei bambini e dei ragazzi, di fronte agli insegnanti presenti che io considero promotori della Cultura italiana. Inoltre, desidero ringraziarla per l’invito all’evento Leonardo 4 Children, che per me ha rappresentato un momento di confronto e arricchimento su tematiche attuali quali clima, uguaglianza e pace. Considero che, aver affrontato queste tematiche anche in presenza di UNICEF abbia evidenziato l’importanza di trasmetterle soprattutto ai giovani, in quanto temi funzionali alla risoluzione delle sfide comuni che riguardano il mondo attuale e volgono uno sguardo al futuro.

I would like to hereby thank you for taking part in the event organized by this Embassy on the occasion of the Italian Language Week and dedicated to Italian language teachers operating here in Belgium. Thanks to your presence we managed to convey a strong message of awareness, on the issues of sustainability, equality and the valorisation of children and young people, in front of the teachers present who I consider promoters of Italian culture. Furthermore, I would like to thank you for the invitation to the Leonardo 4 Children event, which for me represented a moment of discussion and enrichment on current issues such as climate, equality and peace. I consider that having addressed these issues also in the presence of UNICEF has highlighted the importance of transmitting them above all to young people, as functional themes for resolving the common challenges that concern the current world and look to the future.

(October 2023)

(October 2023)

Federica Favi

Ambassador , Italian Embassy to Belgium

Encouraged by the dazzling progress of artificial intelligence, mankind – with some ingenuity – dreams of an “increased man” and some do not doubt to see growing among the children of today’s world some geniuses inspired by Leonardo. At the same time, however, we know that 150 million children, mostly in Africa, as they are malnourished at the very beginning of their lives and under-educated, will never reach their full human capital potential. They are destined to be “diminished men”. In the face of this tragedy, the public authorities will not be able to provide the necessary resources alone. Private and often individual initiatives are essential to deal with them. The one offered by the Carano 4 Children foundation, both ingenious and generous, is exemplary. May it have the widest echo, the widest support.

Michel Camdessus

Former Director General, IMF (2019)

Ad Alessandro Carano, agli amici della Fondazione “Carano 4 Children” e agli sponsor che li affiancano, dico innanzitutto: complimenti di cuore per il vostro essere costruttori di ponti, di solidarietà, di esperienze, per coltivare l’incontro, il talento e la creatività dei bambini e dei ragazzi. Firenze è felice e orgogliosa di ospitarvi e di essere con voi per la 4a edizione
dell’iniziativa benefica “Leonardo 4 Children 2022”, che quest’anno ha scelto di esplorare, con il linguaggio universale dell’arte, 3 temi e 3 impegni – clima, uguaglianza e pace – di fondamentale importanza per la nostra vita e per il futuro del nostro Pianeta.
C’è una immagine che si è impressa nella mia mente in queste settimane e che ci ha commosso tutti in modo particolare, la bambina ucraina con scritti sulla schiena il suo nome, la sua data di nascita e il numero di telefono dei genitori, nel caso fosse loro successo qualcosa. Per fortuna la piccola Vira sta bene, è ospite di una famiglia che le ha aperto le porte della  propria casa. Quell’immagine, però, di lei con le scritte sul corpo, non la dimenticheremo presto. E io credo non ci sia impresa più bella e più necessaria che restituire ai bambini, soprattutto a quelli la cui infanzia è stata negata, in ogni angolo del mondo, la pienezza della propria vita, i sogni, il futuro, la gioia.
In questa occasione permettetemi allora di ringraziare l’Unicef per quanto fa per l’infanzia, nel nostro Paese e a livello internazionale. È soprattutto ai bambini e ai ragazzi, che sono i protagonisti di questo evento, che desidero rivolgere il saluto più caloroso e l’incoraggiamento a trarre da questa giornata una spinta a coltivare ogni giorno i valori dell’uguaglianza e della pace e a battersi per la protezione dell’ambiente. Perché solo pensando che ognuno si arricchisce insieme agli altri, che si sta meglio camminando insieme, anziché prevaricando, che solo coltivando fin da piccoli una reale comunione con tutte le creature (umani, animali, alberi, fiumi, fiori…) possiamo comporre tutti insieme il Noi della comunità.

Dario Nardella

Mayor of Florence, City of Florence

Leonardo da Vinci: is there a better name to recall that sciences and the arts speak the same language? Leonardo reminds us that there is magic, poetry and music in science and technology. And Leonardo 4 Children is a wonderful example of how education benefits society as a whole and helps those in need beyond our borders – a project that puts Europe’s cultural heritage at its very core, a unique initiative that merges education, arts, science and inclusion. Exactly in the spirit of Leonardo da Vinci.

Tibor Navracsics

European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, (2019)

In humanitarian crises, children are the first to suffer.  Education in crisis situations is the shield EU assistance has been providing them with, to protect them and to give them the future every child deserves.  This impressive project, Leonardo 4 Children, is the most tangible message of solidarity from the children of Europe to children living in very difficult conditions around the world.

Christos Stylianides

European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, (2019)

Testimonials from participants to “Leonardo 4 Children”


Participating in the  Leonardo 4 Children 2023  contest was an incredible journey that left a lasting impact on our students.  When they heard about the competition they felt excited and a bit nervous. Talking about peace is important, but they didn’t know if they could express their thoughts well. However, they decided to give it a try and instead of a fable, the students from American Academy Prague,  wrote A Letter to the War. As they started writing the entry, they poured their hearts into it. They talked about the importance of kindness,  empathy, and peace.  It made them realise that even a small act of kindness can contribute to a more peaceful world. When submitting their entry they felt like sending a message of hope.

We thought, “Maybe our words and our letter can inspire someone to think about peace too.” When the results were announced, we couldn’t believe it—we were in the top 10! But what mattered more was that our message about peace had reached others. It made us feel proud and motivated to continue advocating for peace. Participating in Leonardo 4 Children contest taught us that everyone has a voice, and every voice matters. It also showed us that peace is a topic that connects us all. Even in a world with many differences, peace is something we can all strive for together. We would encourage all the children in the world to participate in this competition. It’s not about winning but about sharing your thoughts and making a positive impact. If we could do it, anyone can. Let’s keep spreading the message of peace, one word at a time.


American Academy Prague, Czech Republic (winner 2023)

When inventing the fable “Polar bears sufferign climate change” I was excited with the idea to save the Earth.

Aayush Ganguly

Child 6-12 years old, Crombeen Institute, Belgium (winner 2020)

If the World were as I have been drawing it, it would be so much better…

Lucia Esposto

Child 6-12 years old, Istituto Comprensivo Chiaravalle, Italy (winner 2020)

We are very proud to get 2nd  place. We as teachers and our children had a great pleasure to participate and to be a part of this amazing event. The contest did not mean only a competition to us, but it taught our children things that are very important in life and it made their critical thinking to elevate. Most of them went to school this year but the best part is that our organization has a kindergarten named “Bambino International Kindergarten” and also a primary school named “Square International Czech-English Primary School”. Three of those children, who participated last year in Leonardo4Children competition, are so happy that they want again to be a part of this wonderful adventure. There are also children in our primary school (3rd graders) who have a great interest in this year’s contest : “Climate Action and Gender Equality”. They like the topic and they show great interest as they have already started to prepare for the upcoming event. They have also learned that they participate in order to help and share their love and visions with others. That is why we want to say  many thanks to your  foundation for these opportunities and help that you give to all the children in the world. 
We look forward to your stunning actions.
Victoria Emciuc

Teacher, Bambino International Kindergarten Prague CZ (winners 2020)

“It was a great experience the co-writing of a fable. “
“Thank you very much for the opportunity to present you our fable”.
“After this experience I dream myself being a writer”.
“Thank you for the prizes. We are so happy”.

Constantinou Themis, Gregoriou Chrysanthos, Ioannou Constantina, Karatzias Petros, Kathem Ilias, Michael Aristos, Papadopoulos Stavros and Polycarpou Mariam

Children 6-12 years old, Anayia Primary School, Cyprus (winners 2020)

“I like the idea of writing a fable, because each fable has a moral lesson”.
“Now that I learnt about fables, I dream myself being a writer of fables”.
“We liked the idea of co-writing and co-illustrating a fable”.
“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present our fables”.

Sapalides Constantinos, Savva Nicholas, Socratous Michalis, Stavrou Vasiliki, Talchouk Anna and Christou Christiana

Children 6-12 years old, Anayia Primary School, Cyprus (winners 2020)

“Leonardo 4 Children” is a unique and impressive project. The message of solidarity from the children of Europe to the children living in difficult conditions around the world is very important today. “Every child can be a genius!” – That is why it is good to encourage the talent, creativity and skills of our children through art and science. The initiative proposed by the Carano 4 Children Foundation is both ingenious and generous. Thank you for giving my students the opportunity to present their wonderful works in 2019. They were very happy and proud of their beautifully illustrated fables. 

Tanya Borisova

Teacher, European School Brussels IV (winners 2019)

Testimonials from beneficiary projects


Jamal, 12 years old, is a Syrian refugee girl now living in Jordan. She has made friends with 7 year old Fatima and attends a nearby Makani centre, supported by UNICEF, to which Carano4Children contributes. Jamal says “In Makani, I learn and play with my friends. I feel like I belong.”

Jamal and Fatima (not their real names)

Girls, UNICEF Makani project, Jordan (2020)

Vladislav and Danilo, two boys living in the Lyubystok orphanage, were provided with materials for creative art activities. They were able to participate in the art competition along with children from many schools in Europe. This has enabled them to build confidence and self-esteem.

Vladislav and Danilo (not their real names)

Boys, Lyubystok, Ukraine (2019)